Texture Artist (HOOKS)

с 28 февраля

Описание вакансии

HOOKS creative studio is looking for Texture artist
We create effective mobile game marketing creatives, mobile game cinematics, promo materials for AAA titles and indie projects from the Steam / EGS library. Our portfolio includes works with high-profile global hits and legendary creative concepts that have brought hundreds of millions of installs to the industry.


  • Texturing 3D models: characters, environment.
  • Interaction with the art team

Почта для отклика на вакансию: job@hooks.art


  • Proficiency in Substance Painter, Adobe Photoshop
  • Modeling skills in 3D graphics editors
  • Ability to work with light, silhouette and material physics
  • Good sense of proportion and artistic vision
  • Portfolio with recent works

    Also counts:
  • Experience with game projects



по результатам собеседования

          array(2) {
  string(5) "Apply"
  string(20) "mailto:job@hooks.art"